About Me

My photo
My name is Sonja, I am 23 years old, and happily married to my best friend, Chris (a.k.a Hubby Man). I love being with my family and friends, watching movies with the hubby(we are HUGE movie buffs), or curled up on the couch with a nice cup of coffee and my two babies. (pepper ann our rescue mutt, and Witten our pug). Life is an adventure to me, and every day I look forward for what is to come. Hopefully sooner than later our happy little family will be expanding, and I couldn't be happier!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

7 Weeks

Wow, can you say bloat!? so six weeks on the dot, I developed morning sickness... I have gotten back to my starting weight (according to my scale this morning) 'm keeping a food journal this week so I can really focus on what I am eating and how much nutrients my baby is really getting, I'm very happy to be back to where I started, I was worried with the morning sickness being so bad I would loose more weight, but the pregnancy is still young. I also picked up a composition book, hubby and I are going to start writing to baby for him or her to have when they grow up. :)
I don't have any motivation to do anything other than sleep or sit... and if I sit too long then try to get up I get sick. bleh. it's been a rough week, I'm hoping this passes very soon.

How far along? 7 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: sleep through the whole night two times this week! :)
Best moment this week: sleeping a full night with no potty breaks

Miss Anything? Caffeine... and sushi
Movement: none
Food cravings: cheese enchilada's! I haven't had one yet, so I'm going crazy for it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: here lately I'm ALWAYS sick!! I have all day sickness. really hoping it doesn't last long....
Gender: unknown

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Morning sickness :( and major bloat
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: pretty happy this week
Looking forward to: still my Doctor visit. my question list keeps getting longer

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Blueberry Behnken (6 Weeks)

How far along? 6 Weeks
Total weight gain: -3
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: I have discovered that walking makes sleep a lot easier
Best moment this week: When Hubby read to baby <3

Miss Anything? Caffeine!
Movement: none
Food cravings: Meat, chicken wings burgers... oh and I LOVE cheese sticks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing in particular... just occasional nausea
Gender: unknown

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue, Bloated, nausea, fatigue!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: so emotional!
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment! :) getting closer!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 5 (Happy Fourth!)

So this weekend got a little crazy. It was nice to be over that stupid virus though! :) fourth of July was seriously amazing! The fireworks were beautiful, an the company was even better. We spent the fourth at my mom's for some yummy brisket! then came home for our community fireworks show!

On Friday after work, hubby man, and I drove up to the DFW area to spend time with my amazing cousins. We all went to six flags. It was very hot! I couldn't ride any rides (except the river rapids!) but I enjoyed all the company. :) I wish I could see all of my cousins more than once or twice a year, but now with Facebook and text Messaging. Keeping in touch is a lot easier.

Mom's Side

All My cousin's and their spouses/children...minus one... she was out of town

Chris and I at Six Flags! :)

I got my doctor appointment scheduled for July 30th. I will be 8 1/2 weeks so I am hoping for at least being able to hear the heart beat! :)

Baby Bink::
5 weeks (really 5 1/2 I take too long to post a blog)
Size: a sweet pea <3
Symptoms: fatigue, bloating, and acne :(
Weight gain: (-1)lbs

My first fruit picture! :)

I will try to start updating on Thursday's now, since that is my official 'week change.' :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 4

So, this weekend I have spent the entire two and a half days sitting on my couch. This was not because I am lazy and have no life... Thursday night about ten p.m. I started to get very sick to my stomach. I put it off as morning sickness but since I was only 4 weeks I thought that was just a tad bit early. As the night went on I got zero sleep. It was miserable! Friday morning I took my temp. It was 100.0! This really freaked me out. I had heard when you are pregnant, you shouldn't let your temp get above 101.1... Needless to say, I was starting to worry it was more than a common case of morning sickness. I decided to go to work, (maybe it wasn't in my head)Fridays are normally our busiest day. This day however, we were so slow! It's a very good thing. My lower back started to hurt so bad. I was afraid it was my kidneys from being dehydrated. I had lost 4 whole pounds over night. I called my doctor and made an apt. They confirmed my suspision. I had a stomach virus. Gave me some zofran, and started me on tylonoel to get my fever down. I am feeling much better now, but after three long days of camping in my couch, I am ready for work tomorrow! I need interaction with people. It has been a very eventful weekend so far, I look forward to making my first doctors apt tomorrow! :) I'm so ready to hear my little bean's heart beat!