About Me

My photo
My name is Sonja, I am 23 years old, and happily married to my best friend, Chris (a.k.a Hubby Man). I love being with my family and friends, watching movies with the hubby(we are HUGE movie buffs), or curled up on the couch with a nice cup of coffee and my two babies. (pepper ann our rescue mutt, and Witten our pug). Life is an adventure to me, and every day I look forward for what is to come. Hopefully sooner than later our happy little family will be expanding, and I couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Anti Social

Sorry I have been so anti-social here lately. My inspiration and motivation to do nearly anything has been so low. I'm always tried and busy, just sort of 'blah'

Mothers day was so great! I had an amazing time with my mom. She truly is my world and I couldn't picture my life without her <3
My arm finally healed! Yay! it took it long enough. Life has been good overall. Father-in-law got moved in, we put in a basket ball goal.... so many changes! one night we stayed up and played with a light up Frisbee well after dark.

I hope to update everyone more soon. I'm sure I will find the inspiration to write again! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can You Say Ouch?!

So like I said before, Friday at work I stepped on a nail, it went through my shoe and poked my foot, barely enough to break the skin, but enough to make me get a tetanus shot....

Monday: for lunch I left work and got myself a shot. (boo!) No big deal, other than my normal 'dont let Sonja pass out' precautions, I left and went about my day with a slightly sore arm. (normal so far, right?) Wrong!
Tuesday: I wake up with a dime size red spot on my arm. I didn't freak out yet because I was still assuming this was normal for this type of shot. By lunch it was so sore I could hardly move my right arm, and the entire thing had swollen to the size of a half dollar. my right arm was forming hives and it had a huge not right in the middle! I called my Dr. and took a lot of benadryl. By the time I went to sleep Tuesday night, it had grown to silver dollar size.
Wednesday: You know that saying, 'It doesn't hurt until you look at it.'? well I woke up with a still slightly sore arm but assumed it was better... the benadryl had to of helped some.... Or so I though. I look in the mirror while I was getting ready and the think was full of golf ball size! with a knot the size of a quarter and the heat of a sever sun burn! oh, brother! the nail in the foot hurt for a total of thirty minutes.... Three days, two doctors visits, two shots (one to help with the swelling and other strange reaction this tetanus shot gave me), and a strong antibiotic later. I am sitting here with a red dot on my arm the size of a tennis ball.

Note to self....
Look before you step!

Yesterday at lunch

last night
 today at lunch
 just now :(