About Me

My photo
My name is Sonja, I am 23 years old, and happily married to my best friend, Chris (a.k.a Hubby Man). I love being with my family and friends, watching movies with the hubby(we are HUGE movie buffs), or curled up on the couch with a nice cup of coffee and my two babies. (pepper ann our rescue mutt, and Witten our pug). Life is an adventure to me, and every day I look forward for what is to come. Hopefully sooner than later our happy little family will be expanding, and I couldn't be happier!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Came Love...

We're Pregnant!!

After one month of trying, we are beyond excited!
I found out Friday, I am only 3weeks and 3 days. I can't wait to go on this amazing jorney with the love of my life! since I found out on a Friday, my OB was closed. I will be calling first thing tomorrow to make myself an appt. and I will keep everyone posted on this amazing journey in my life!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I'm Back!

Sorry I have been gone so long! I truly missed writing! I have been very busy trying to get my home fully ready. We painted out master bedroom, and put in a new fan. Lots of birthdays for nieces, travel for family.... Summer is so busy!

Just a few things I have stumbled across since I have been gone....

What to expect when your expecting-movie
SO funny, I have seen it twice now, and love it every time!

The book, I enjoy it... I have read up to the '1 month' and it gives you plenty of pre-conception tips and advice. I plan on reading ahead in that book month by month.

Your Pregnancy Week by Week-book
I enjoy tips book more... it breaks it down by week and has a few more tips. this one I have read up to 'week 4' just cause, you really don't find out you are pregnant until nearly week 5 any way....

For smart Phone users....

What to expect fertility-this app is so good! it helps you track all your cycles and there is a forum full of ladies going through the same thing you are. I use this as an escape when I can tell everyone is tired of my baby talk....

I am so glad to be back! I hope everyone enjoys their summer! I hope to have good news for you all some time in the future!

last but not least.... Happy Fathers DAY!!!!